Bifrost was the name of the bridge between the realms of old Norse gods and men.

In my work, I build bridges between cultures.

Translation and transcreation

Translating texts requires a deep knowledge of languages as expressions of culture. A word-for-word translation is almost never enough, and a translator must put their creativity to work so the message you wish to come through fits the reader. Let me take care of that!


Localising means adapting content in ways that the target can relate to; with their language and culture in mind, matching their world. It’s all about re-creating and getting cultural codes and nuances in communication right; sometimes even rewriting jokes and finding adequate colloquial expressions. It’s challenging, but also a lot of fun!

Nordic culture and history consulting

What is really a smörgåsbord? Is this jólabokaflóð truly unique to Iceland, and hygge something only the Danish cultivate? Then the vikings, who were they? Are runes magic symbols? Who wrote the Eddas and the sagas? Having studied the Nordic world for over 20 years I can give you thorough answers to these questions and more, and will gladly do so.