I read, I write, I learn and I care.
I am ready to use all my skills and abilities to gain the best possible result.
I will meet your deadlines.
I know how big of an impact trouble in one phase makes on the rest of the workflow down the line, and I like to respect other people’s time and efforts. If I face some difficulties along the way that risk a delay, you’ll get notice in time, well ahead of the initial deadline.
I won’t waste your time asking you something I can ask a search engine instead.
I’m highly independent in the way I approach my work, and I always try to solve questions that arise on my own before I ask some busy PM. If I can’t solve it on my own and it’s important, I’ll ask a team member.
I won’t break your code.
Yes, I’m talking about variables, line shifts and such. I have a basic knowledge of coding as well as developer tools, so I know how to treat code files and folder structures and I´m tidy about it.
I’m a versatile worker.
I’ve done many types of jobs throughout my life, and every one of them has taught me something valuable. In one of my first qualified positions, I learned to use graphic design tools like Quark Xpress, Photoshop and InDesign. These skills make me able to localise graphic elements as well!
I’m an easy going team mate.
Communication throughout a project is key to avoid misunderstandings and build trust. I’m flexible, approachable and ready to clarify anything that you need.